Expanded Wheel Tuning – 1.43

– Credited another user in the description. Thank you, Snarfv, truly.

– Re-added a necessary line of code to the Advanced rear rims for the trucks to fix a tire offset.
– Repacked the mod as a .ZIP file. Earlier errors with trying to upload the mod were in fact only author-side. Testing with another modder confirmed the mod was uploading completely fine as a .ZIP file.

– Added missing Goodyear tires from trailer steerable axles to truck steer axle.
– Unlocked the AeroX rear hub cover from Freightliner Cascadia to be available on all trucks.
– Updated the DLC dependency line in the “manifest.sii” file to include the ‘Freightliner Cascadia’ DLC. This is likely a non-issue, but just in case someone, for whatever reason, has the Freightliner Cascadia DLC disabled/removed from their game, the dependency is there.
– Fixed, hopefully, misalignment of the Advanced rear rims on the trucks.

Workshop version is fixed and functioning properly!
– Added missing Steel version for Advanced rear rims from trailers to trucks.
– Added all Goodyear Tires from trucks to trailers, and from trailers to trucks.
– Fixed Workshop upload by leaving the mod as loose files (unzipped).

– Fixed Super Single rear rims not appearing. Incorrect, there’s an issue with the SCS Workshop Uploader that is removing any folders with Rear Rims for both trucks and trailers. I’m working on figuring it out.

– Oops, forgot a rim in the descriptions. Updated the descriptions to properly list the ‘Goodyear Blue’ for the front/steerable Seagul Wide rim.

Rebranding! The mod will no longer be called “Heavy Duty Trailer Tires”. From this point forward, the mod will be called “Expanded Wheel Tuning”.
– Fixed wide front rims for steerable axles not showing.
– Added all available wide rims from trucks to trailers. Both steers (wide front rims) and drives (super single rear rims).
– Added the ‘Goodyear G296 MSA’ (front/steer tire) and ‘Goodyear Fuel Max SSD DuraSeal’ (rear/drive tire) to the trailers for their respective rims.
– Added the ‘Advanced’ rear rims from the trailers to the trucks.
– Updated the descriptions to match the changes.
– Updated the DLC dependency line in the “manifest.sii” file to include the ‘Goodyear Tires Pack’ DLC.
– Added more images to the Steam Workshop page.

This mod unlocks/adds a wider variety of customization options from the Wheel Tuning Pack and Goodyear DLCs to trailers and trucks. This works on every SCS truck and ownable SCS trailer. I do not know if this will work on modded trucks and trailers, but I cannot see why it would not.

This mod requires you to own the Wheel Tuning Pack and Goodyear Tires Pack DLCs. This mod does not contain any models or textures. It simply contains both edited and custom definition files that adds “new” rim and tire options to the trucks and trailers in their respective shop/customization screens. Without owning these DLCs, this mod cannot be activated. If you remove the DLC dependencies from the manifest file, activate the mod, and try loading your game without owning the DLCs, your game will crash when you attempt to select anything from this mod in truck/trailer customization.

Steer Axle
Front Tires:
Goodyear Fuel Max LHT
Goodyear G316 LHT
Goodyear G316 LHT DuraSeal

Drive Axles
Rear Rims:
Advanced (Steel, Chrome, Paintable)

Rear Hub Covers:
AeroX Hub Cover

Rear Tires:
Goodyear Fuel Max LHT
Goodyear Fuel Max SST DuraSeal (Super Single)
Goodyear G316 LHT
Goodyear G316 LHT DuraSeal

Steerable Axles
Front Rims:
Steel Wide
Standard Wide (Normal, Chrome, Paintable)
Seagul Wide (Normal, Chrome, Paintable, Goodyear Blue)
Dynamic Wide (Normal, Chrome, Paintable)
Progress Wide (Normal, Chrome, Paintable)
Shadow Wide

Front Tires:
Dynamix Heavy Duty
Goodyear G296 MSA

Rear Axles
Super Single Rims:
Steel Wide
Standard Wide (Normal, Chrome, Paintable)
Seagul Wide (Normal, Chrome, Paintable)
Dynamic Wide (Normal, Chrome, Paintable)
Progress Wide (Normal, Chrome, Paintable)
Shadow Wide

Rear Tires:
Dynamix Heavy Duty
Goodyear Endurance LHD
Goodyear Fuel Max RTD
Goodyear Fuel Max SSD DuraSeal (Super Single)

TruckersMP Compatibility
This mod is NOT compatible with TruckersMP as the TMP servers will automatically kick you if you have anything from this mod on your truck/trailer, and/or anything from this mod will get removed and replaced with defaulted rims and tires. There is no way to get around this.

Convoy Mode Compatibility & Warnings
This mod is compatible with Convoy mode. Simply enable the mod like any other and enjoy!

Sanguinem Luna

Download Link 2: Download mod

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