To start 508Stuido take no credit for this map so support Rickpp for the hard work done but as always we add the cherry to the masterpiece so what new well everything Louisiana Raceway Remix but with upgrade to Rickpp Interstate 10 thus calling it the remix
1) Interstate 87 now has better better scenery. The walmart is not open yet maybe Rickpp can add to this mod and make it better.
2) Houston now has a working farm on int.87
3) Atchafalaya has two business not yet ready for work maybe Rickpp can make it happen.
4) Buy your own garage in LOUISIANA RACEWAY with a repair shop.
5) FIXED a guardrail running across all westbound lanes and the eastbound fast lane. San Antonio
Encourage Rickpp to use the mod and keep make it better as 508Studio will go back to customizing your trucks and skin
Rickpp 508Studio upgrades
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last version worked this one crashes game before you get to driving world
Can you please fix this. it crashes every time i try to use it. thanks!
works on v1.3 must only use in this order mexuscan, inter remix, cost to cost 1.8 no other map mod i been all over and no crashes
work great for me v.1.3 i put the mexuscan mod then the inter. remix followed by cost to cost 1.8 no other map the only thing lost is the tunnel to Miami no crashes just unusable jobs in the new city love that i can repair my truck in my garage